Nick and all our K9 dogs and cats are very aware just how much K9’s charity shop in Alcala contributes towards their wellbeing and comfort. Only a few years ago the refuge was on the brink of closure as money was so tight. The opening of the shop at that time and its continued success has ensured the refuge can continue. With over 150 dogs arriving at the refuge each year who require care and attention till they find their forever homes, the shop is a vital source of funding.
The shop, and the Alcala weekly market, are run by a happy and friendly band of volunteers. Dorothy, Lynn, Christine, Muriel, Hannah, Katja, Wendy, Maggie, Brian, Sheila, Elsie, Jill and George – ably assisted by rescue dogs Bailey and Lottie – do everything! Collection of donations, organising of donations, knitting of colourful teddies and toys, collection and sales of jewellery and, of course, staffing the busy shop. Asked what they love about their work, the ladies on the market stall agreed “We love animals, it’s fun, we have nice customers and most importantly we know what we do makes a difference for the refuge.” Hannah, who, lives in Alcala says she enjoys her time in the shop and says she does it “For the animals most of all. Also, though, I’m retired so it gives me a focus. It helps me to speak Spanish and has helped me integrate and be accepted by the community.” All the shop volunteers give their time generously and one thing is certain, the K9 wonder dogs and cats hugely appreciate their efforts.
Located in Alcala Plaza, the shop is open 10am to 2pm Monday-Saturday (closed Sundays) and the market is right outside every Monday from 9am till 1pm. Why not pay a visit – there are always lots of bargains to be had and our volunteers will make you very welcome. Volunteers and, of course, donations are always wanted. Call at the shop or market or telephone 646 561 035.
August 2017