Patch is 12 years old, male and medium in size. Come and meet him at K9, he is longing for a home. jun 2022.
Oso is a small male dog, 3 years old. Come to K9 and meet him! may 22.
Primrose is a small sweet heart, 4 years old and wanting a loving home. may 22.
Paco a great little fellow, 4 years old, small in size and male. may 22.
Jack a beautiful puppy around 5 months old. He will be medium to big. may 22
Honey is a small female dog with a lovely character. She is around 5 years old. may 22.
Flake female around a year old looking for a new home. She is medium to large in size and a bundle of lovely energy. may 22.
Junior is a 9 years old male looking for a new and loving home. He is small in size and waiting for you in K9. may 22.
Jones is a sweet boy of only 2 years. He does need some training since he has not lived in a house before. He is small in size. may 2022.
Cameron, male 6 months old trying to find his way in life. apr 2022.