Cooper is a male around 2 years old. He is super friendly and gets on well with other dogs. Very playful nov 2020
Kenya is a female around 1.5 years. She is a little shy but when she sees a ball wow a different girl. She loves playing with a ball. oct 2020
Ozark is a male dog around 2-3 years. He is super calm and friendly but a little shy on meeting new people.
10 puppies are up for adoption. abandoned in a box 5 girls 5 boys 2 brown boys reserved They are 2 months old and will be medium to large adults oct 2020
Last week a dog was found in Las Chafiras and we were called. I went to collect the dog and found this sorry state. We have named his Adidas, he is around 12 years old. As you can see from …
Lucky Nike is adopted already 🙂
Brisa is a female 2 year old pointer. She is very friendly and loves a cuddle oct 2020
Sauvage is a male dog around 3 years old. He is a small dog, very loving and enjoys being out and about oct 2020
Mia is a medium sized female. She is 12 years old but still very active and loves her walks. We hope to find her a retirement home asap, she will be perfect company for an elderly person or couple. oct …
Coco is a female of 5 years old. She has lots of energy and loves to run and play. oct 2020