Ginger is a female, very rare. She is friendly but a little shy on initial contact, she is around 3/4 months.
The J family, 2 months old. 4 girls and 1 boy.
Splodge is a female, mix breed. She is around 6 weeks, she will be medium sized. A very happy little thing.
This is Gabby and Boo, small breed, 6-7 months old. Ideally we would like to home them together. They are cute and adorable, so anyone looking for 2 dogs come and visit them.
Marina is a Podenco around 5 years old. She is very quiet and just likes to wander, sleep and have some company, but when she has the chance she also loves to run.
Travis is a male, just over a year, he came to us a puppy with his 2 siblings. they have been lucky to find homes, but poor Travis is still looking, he is a little shy on initial contact.
Muchacho is a male around 1.5 years old. He is a friendly boy and loves to play with toys.
Soldier is a female kitten around 4 weeks old. She is friendly and happy to cuddle.
Charlie is large, mix-breed dog, around 2 years old. She loves people and gets on well with other dogs. Charlie is a friendly and good-natured girl. She has lots of energy and loves running around when off lead on her …
Abraham is a male, around 6 years old. He is a gentle giant, great family companion.