Glen is 2 and half years old, full of energy and life. He will make a wonderful companion.
Larry is cross male, around 2-3 years old. He is very friendly and loves to play, he is generally good with other dogs, although he does get frisky with them
Piper is a female, around 2-3 years old. She is friendly and enjoys her walks off the lead.
Auto is a large, mixed-breed dog, around 8 years old. He has been at the refuge for most of his life arriving as a very frightened puppy. He continues to be very frightened of new people, particularly men, and takes …
David is a male, mix breed dog. He is around 2 years old. He is friendly and gets on with other dogs.
Mara is a female, around 1 year old. She is a little shy initially but does love a cuddle. She is small and good with other dogs.
Jones is the black male cat in the picture. He is a little shy and around 3/4 months old.
Grace is a female, around 3/4 months. She is a little shy but soon comes around. July 2015 Sadly she has tested positive for Leukemia, but is in a healthy condition.
Rogers is a male cat around 3/4 months. He loves to play and run around.
Ginger is a female, very rare. She is friendly but a little shy on initial contact, she is around 3/4 months.