Category: Re-Homed Dogs & Cats


Barbie is a large female mixed Presser. She is around 2 years old. She is very friendly and loving. Generally she is good with other dogs, but can have some she dislikes. She would be a great deterrent to keep …


Marco is a male kitten, around 4 months old. He is very sweet and friendly.


Toni is a very small Caniche around 3/4kg. He came to k9 in a very bad state. He has an old broken bone injury to his back leg. But it has been decided, that no treatment is necessary he gets …


Joe is a male terrier, he is very friendly and well behaved. He is also fine with other dogs. He is around 2 years old


Healy is a male medium dog. He is friendly and gets on well with other dogs.


Doggett is a small female, she is around 5/6 years old. She is very friendly and loves people.


Chang is a little mixed Chihuahua, he is a very friendly little boy, loves cuddles. He is around 4/5 years old.  


Morello is a male, around 2 years old. He is very friendly small to medium size dog. He gets on with other dogs and is a very happy little boy. He has had a haircut, what a difference 🙂


Junior young female around 3 months. Very cute and friendly. Lucky to find a home straight away 🙂  

Big Jim

Big Jim is a small mixed Pug, he is very friendly and gets on with other dogs. He is also good off the lead and around 5+ years old. He has a cataract in one eye.