Brenda is a medium sized dog of 1.5 years. She is very friendly and gets on great with other dogs. She is also very playful.
Benny is 3 months old. He is fine with cats and other dogs. He will be a small – medium sized dog. Very well behaved for a puppy, very affectionate, loves to play and is guaranteed to fall asleep in …
Dingle is a female around 3/4 months. She will be a medium to large adult, she is very playful and loving.
Cain is a male around 3/4 months. He is very friendly and has lots of energy. He will be a medium to large adult.
Aaron is a male around 3/4 months. He is very friendly and has lots of energy.
Linda is a medium-sized, mixed breed dog, between 4 and 5 years old. She is a friendly girl, good with people and gets on well with most other dogs. Linda loves her walks and, with her friend Tiny, specially …
Cheetah is a large male of 12 years old. He is very friendly and still loves his walks. He lived with Fred and they do like to be together.
Ella is a small, mixed-breed dog, around 11 years old. She is good with people, sometimes a little timid at first, and enjoys the company of other dogs. Ella is in good health, has lots of energy and loves …
Casper is a male around 4 months old. He is very friendly and vocal. Unfortunately he has tested positive for Leukemia, this means he can not be homed with other negative cats, but he can be homed with dogs. …
Willow is a large male, generally good with other dogs, friendly and playful.