Stina is the most friendly dog, she is large in size and around 10 years old. Come meet her in K9, you will fall in love. apr 2022.
Bart is a pitbull mix of around 8 months. He is playful, good with children and other dogs. apr 2022.
Orion is a big wonderfully energetic male podenco around 1 year old. apr 2022.
Yul is a small male dog looking for a loving and secure home. He is around 1 year old. apr 2022.
Freya is around 2 years old and all sweetness. She is gentle, affectionate and medium in size. Come and meet her in K9. feb 2022
This little cute fellow is Fido is less then a year old and looking for his forever home. He is small to medium in size. feb 2022
Daphne is a female, she is very shy and will need a secure environment while she adapts to people and a house. She is negative for fel/fiv
Nelly is a very friendly and loving 6 years old “staffie”. Come meet her at K9. Feb 2022.
Shelby is a female around 2 years old. She is friendly and negative for felv/fiv
Luna is 8 years old. Her owner returned to the UK, she is a loving cat, but does have cronic gingivitis. She needs injections regularly, she will be having the rest of her teeth removed and we hope this will …