Peggy is a little lady, she is around 4 years old. She is very loving and still playful. She will make an excellent companion. In general she gets on with other dogs.
Colt, male, 2 months old. playful and loving. Colt loves to run around, this means I need to take photos when he is sleeping. Will make a lovely friend. September 2018
Sadie is a little female yorkie, she was found in a terrible matted state. She has been given a haircut and her true self is emerging. She is very loving and will be happy with a simple life as long …
Olga is a mixed pointer, she has lots of energy and will play all day. She is around 8 months old. Can she be your friend? Nov 2018
Alfie is a little caniche, he has recently had a haircut so its possible he is lost, If no owner turns up he will be up for adoption in a week or 2. He is around 5 years old. …
Sally is a medium to big size female, she is a little shy but soon comes around and wants to play. She is between 1-2 years old. Nov 2018
Hope is a female Podenco, she was very thin when she was found and scared. It took 4 days for someone to gain her confidence and catch her. She is still a little shy with new people but enjoys seeing …
Chris is just over one year old. She was rescued from an animal hoarder with 150 other dogs. She is very friendly and gets on with the other dogs too, she will make a good friend. Nov 2018
Dan is just over one year old. He was rescued from an animal hoarder with 150 other dogs. All the dogs were a little shy but he is playful and becoming more adventurous every day.
Nancy is just over one year old. She was rescued from an animal hoarder with 150 other dogs. She is playful and getting more adventurous every day. she will make a good friend. Nov 2018