Category: Re-Homed Dogs & Cats


Max (11 meses) es un perrito muy joven y con mucha energía. Al principio era un poco tímido, pero luego nos fue mostrando su lado más cariñoso. Durante los paseos, va muy tranquilo y hace mucho caso. Max no tiene …


Thor (5 años) es un perro con un carácter muy bueno y tranquilo. En los paseos va siempre cerca de ti, sin tirar y haciendo mucho caso. Le gusta mucho pasar tiempo con las personas y se pone muy triste …


Tiffany es una perrita joven que llegó al refugio hace poco. Al principio es un poco tímida, pero tiene un carácter muy dulce y juguetón. Tiffany es sociable con otros perros, le encanta pasar tiempo con otros perros y correr …


                Banjo is a 10-year-old dog that is very sweet and calm. He walks really well on the lead and is very friendly with other dogs. Also, he is very good with people …


Venus is a really sweet and lovable kitten. She is definitely a lapcat. Venus is always looking for some human contact, cause she loves a cuddle and sleep in your lap. She is very friendly and playful and likes to …


Silvester (6 months old) is a very sweet and young kitten. He is one of the first cats to greet the people who visit the cats. Silvester really enjoys cuddles. Also, he gets along well with the other cats in …


Bolicha (3 years old) is a very friendly pointer. She likes people and cuddles and gets along really well with other dogs. She walks good on the lead and doesn’t pull, although sometimes she tries to chase lizards. Bolicha is …


Talon is a shy dog that came to us a few weeks ago when people found her on the streets. It was very difficult to catch her because she was very scared of people. After a couple of weeks, she …


Brida (1 year and a half) is a very shy dog. At first, she is scared of people, but once she knows you she is a very different dog. If you gain her trust, you will see what a lovely …


Marco (7/8 years old) is a very lovely podenco. He is very good with people and gets along with other dogs without problem. Marco walks well on the lead, although sometimes he likes to chase lizards, he mostly walks slowly …