Pip (1 año) es una perrita muy joven y alegre a la que le encanta la gente. Se pone súper contenta cada vez que sale a dar un paseo con nuestros voluntarios. Pip es muy juguetona y tiene mucha energía, …
Akira (4 years old) is really stressed at the refugee. She doesn’t get used to the environment and she is very nervous in her kennel. Also, she is reactive with other dogs, so she needs to be the only dog …
Tobin (7/8 months) is a young puppy that hasn’t found a family yet. He is a very outgoing dog and has lots of energy. He is very cheerful and loves people. Also, he gets along with other dogs and loves …
Emilie (1/2 years) is a very young and energetic dog. She is very obedient and walks on the lead very well. She is very sweet and playful with people. Also, she is very good with other dogs and gets along …
Jackie (2 years) is veery energetic dog. He is good on the lead, although he tries to chase lizards sometimes. Nevertheless, he is a very cheerful and playful dog. He likes to run around with the other dogs. He is …
Simba is a 2-year-old mix of podenco and shepherd. So, she is a very energetic dog. She likes to run and play with other dogs. She has gone to the beach and likes to be around other dogs and jump …
Volcán (6 years old) is a very shy canarian podenco. He is very scared of the people when he doesn’t know him. After he sees you a couple of times, he comes out of his shell and goes with you …
Doki is a 5-year-old little dog that has been for a long time in k9. At first, he does not like to be touched by people he doesn’t know, so you need to give him time and space to gain …
Sweetpea (3 years old) is very shy and scared of people, so she likes being alone. She came to k9 with some neurological problems, but these don’t show in her daily life. Sweetpea has a very calm personality and gets …
Nico es un perrito de alrededor de 7 años. Él tiene “Síndrome de Hiperlaxitud Articular”, esto significa que sus articulaciones no son fuertes y tienen espacios más grandes de lo normal. Esto le provoca que a veces no tenga mucha …