
Little boy Blacky finally went off to join his forever family in England today. He has a long trip ahead of him but he knows it will be worth it and he can’t wait to give lots of hugs and kisses to his family as soon as he gets there. His time at the kennels was too long for him and he is ready to open the next chapter of his life. We wish him all the best and we hope to hear from him soon.

El pequeño Blacky se ha ido hoy a reunirse con su nueva familia en Inglaterra. Le queda un largo viaje por delante pero él sabe que valdrá la pena y dice que tiene muchas ganas de llenarles de besos a su nueva familia en cuanto los vea! Su tiempo en el refugio se le ha hecho largo y está listo para empezar una nueva etapa en su vida. Le deseamos suerte y esperamos fotos

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Refugio de los Animales K9
Calle Chimbesque,
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Tel: 0034 667 638 468